Will motorola cps programing software do uhf and vhf

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Some things changed with the APX generation radios.like the ability to disable emergency entirely (so if you have an O2 equipped radio like I do, you can run the radio without the accessory connector) and the aliasing of channels programmed into the conventional personalities and being able to view those aliases (and then change them if need be) in the zone channel assignment section.Īnother little side note. If it is defined, it'll boot into emergency. As a side note, you'll never be able to do away with the accessory cable (even with the XTL1500 which has a speaker built into the control head) as the radios cannot boot without emergency jumpered to ground (which is configured as such in the OEM accessory kit) if emergency isn't defined. I have at least one XTL in every vehicle I drive.good radios. The CPS is similar to the Pro series CPS but where you define everything (frequency, tones, scan, bandwidth and signalling) in the conventional personality, you define frequency, tone/NAC and deviation in the zone channel assignment on the Astro 25 CPS and mainly only use the conventional personality for signalling, scan, modes (RX only, mixed mode RX, digital TX/rx, analog), and some other tidbits.

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Radio is still under Depot support for the next 7 months (unlike the XTL5000 and XTS5000 which are truly EOL).

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